

Guangdong Lituo automation equipment Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Zhang

Sales Hotline: 18665717216

Telephone: 020-84551179

Fax: 020-31076026


Mailbox: [email protected]

URL: www.cctvadw.com

Address: Almond altar town, shunde district, foshan city, GaoZan Village Gao Gui Lucy 2 no. 1 # 3

What reason is the paper sticking on the sticker machine wrinkled?

Stickers machine equipment overall veneer is relatively smooth and smooth, the use of stickers equipment can produce a variety of color furniture paste panels, stickers machine paste paper is wrinkled what is the reason? Let's see.

First: in the production process of the sticker machine, if the paper is sent too fast, then it will cause the sticker equipment can not be pasted in time, which will lead to the wrinkling of the paper sticking out of the equipment.

Second: stickers machine paste paper is wrinkled, the reason is that the paper when the paper tilt, if the paper tilt, then tilt before the equipment paste, wrinkles will be pasted, so the paper will be wrinkled.

The reason why the sticker machine is wrinkled is mainly the above two aspects. If you want to prevent the sticker machine from avoiding this situation, you should pay more attention to it when you send paper.

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